Thrilling, Sue. I would really like to witness this in person. And, let me say, I appreciate that you trusted your readers to know about the Cretan mythology of the Minoan bull- leapers. I am always delighted when writers don't explain their references. Makes me feel like my education was worth while. Thank you.

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Thank you, Sharron. And thanks for the hint about trusting my readers' knowledge. I learned about those Cretans in a mythology class at Cabrillo ... which was cancelled due to the Loma Prieta Earthquake. Meanwhile, the Heqet myth was so obscure, at least to me, that I thought I needed something to explain. My own search for knowledge (on Google) ends up in the posts. But you're right, Substack readers are an educated bunch. I need to keep my googling to myself.

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Ha ha ha! Funny thing, I learned about the Minoan culture in an Art History class at Cabrillo, taught by Sandy Lydon in the mid-1970s. One of the best classes I ever took, and I have retained so much. However - please steer me toward your story about Heqet. I want to read it again, to see the context. I don't think I've ever learned of it before.

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Cabrillo is such a great asset to Santa Cruz. I loved Ed Sundberg's storytelling class. On the last day, we decided to form a storytelling group called the Santa Cruz Storytellers. We did a lot of gigs around the area and it got me started on my grand career in show biz ... seven years! Anyway, here's the link to Heqet: https://suecauhape.substack.com/p/the-heqet-nebula

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