The Heqet Nebula
During a quiet evening in a backyard swing, a new creature enters the garden community, and a cell phone photo records this monumental event.
While sitting in the "Sparkin' Swing" one night, Jeff and I spotted movement in the walkway in front of us. A tiny black form hopped, then hopped again until it disappeared into the yarrow. Usually, we could hear the community of lizards rustling about in the leaf litter of this garden. It's a rich environment with an active population of reptiles and maybe a mouse or two. It now had a newcomer who managed to hop through this jungle to a paving tile at the edge. There it sat as we watched it from the swing a couple of feet away. It watched us. Slowly, I rose with my cell phone and drew close enough to snap a photo before it leapt away. Transferring the photo to my laptop, I enhanced and manipulated as best I could and ended up with this image. I call it the Heqet Nebula
From Britanica:
"In ancient Egyptian mythology, Heqet was a frog-headed goddess who represented fertility, rebirth, and regeneration. She was sometimes depicted as a frog, a frog-headed woman, or a woman with a frog's body. Heqet is mentioned in the Pyramid Texts of the Old Kingdom, and frog amulets were common in ancient Egypt as fertility charms."
Read the full text HERE.
Ooooh, that's such a fun picture! Hello, Heqet Nebula!
How did you manipulate the photo? I’m scratching my head but I like it.