"My chair and laptop are killing me slowly each day." Mine too... but my chair is the only place where I am pain free. Every step I take hurts. Just thought you would like to know you are not alone, Sue. PS You might like this. It really has been perfect for me. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07W7SZJ25/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1

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Thanks for the tip on the laptop pillow. I'll have to look into that. And you are right. My chair is the only place with I am pain free. Everything else I do is a slog. I even time my piano practices to stop when my back hurts. "OK, enough for today!" Pushing ourselves to do those achy daily chores, though, is my way of getting a bit of exercise. I know, it sound ridiculous, but we need to use our bodies as much as we can (without doing more harm) so we don't lose them entirely. My exercise nut daughter is just beginning to have achy knees, and I try to keep my mouth shut about where she's going with that. After all, she's the one with the degree in exercise physiology. Right? I appreciate your support. We are sisters in Cronehood.

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