Oh Sue, such beautiful words - the first poem in particular has given me goosepimples!
And I love what you've said about the magic remaining even stronger. You've made me think that the end of the riding season is not an ending as such, but a change of both place and pace. Wonderful.
'It was like magic, like the faery folk had spirited them all away. The magic remained even stronger, though, when I participated in this seasonal farewell.'
Oh Sue, such beautiful words - the first poem in particular has given me goosepimples!
And I love what you've said about the magic remaining even stronger. You've made me think that the end of the riding season is not an ending as such, but a change of both place and pace. Wonderful.
'It was like magic, like the faery folk had spirited them all away. The magic remained even stronger, though, when I participated in this seasonal farewell.'
Thank you, Rebecca. I'm glad these poems moved you to another space and time.
That big lump from in your bank account is from the books I purchased from you on Amazon. Don’t spend it all in one place.
Bu..bu.but I was hoping to go to Tahiti on that!
Kindle, huh. Now you’re talking.
They’re on my list.
Thank you, Switter. And I'm sure you'll find they're well worth the cover price. ;)
The last four lines of When Horses Come and Go are simply lovely, Sue. I will never move away from my coastal home, but you tempt me...
Oh by all means, stay where you are. Too much snow makes Sue a dull girl.