Very impressive writing, Sue. Read it twice and will read it again. A writer I knew, dead many years now, expressed your sentiments in his writing. He shared the same connection to nature. In fact, he chose to be 'rested' in a very remote and wild location well within the sere (est) nature has to offer. His simple homemade tombstone is a rock with a few lines and his epitaph of No Comment. Truly a no man's land where a person can just stand to 'see' much of your own writing. Brava.

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Thank you. I'm wondering how many people are looking forward (maybe that the wrong term) to an eternity in an unmarked resting place in Nature's arms?

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brilliant, Sue. and thank you, Fran for setting all this into motion. so inspiring.

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Thank you, Tabby. I'm surprised more writers didn't get involved. What would your interpretation of Sere be?

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hi Sue, I dont consider myself a writer, altho I enjoy writing about painting! but, since you asked - when I think of Sere, I relate to it as Fran described it in the emotional sense: exhausted, unfruitful, abandoned. as an artist I have experienced those difficult moments when inspiration and purpose seem unreachable.

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Well, that is just astounding. How your took my little idea and built and built on it. I am awestruck.

I’ll have to read it many times to suck out all the juice. And it is juicy, for all the barrenness.

Thank you.

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Thank you, Fran.Yes, it did kind of go off the deep end, didn't it. Then again, shouldn't a prompt be taken as far as it can go, crazy or not, just to exercise the creativity to the fullest extent? That was a great prompt. Your ideas about the word really got the juices flowing. Words are so much more than their dictionary meanings.

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I love this poem, Sue!

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Thank you, Jason. Hope all is well.

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"...dust devils dance until they dissipate like ribbons in the shimmering air." Nice alliteration and cadence, Sue. "Or maybe the zephyr will carry me as far as the solar wind floating through eternity amid stars and suns." Of that, I have no doubt. Gorgeous.

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I think all artists (writers, painters, whatever the medium of expression) have those moments when the muse or even the perceived audience leaves us.

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