I just can't seem to keep my mouth shut. My babblings have gotten me into trouble many times, but today's incident bodes ominous for the politically-charged months to come.
Bob Noyce and I have sayings about a lot of people, probably including that clerk. Bob days, People are no damn good. I say, People are stupid. Between us, we’ve covered maybe 35 percent of folks.
I devide people into two groups: stupid or malicious. We're all stupid in one way or another. Some of us, like me, make a career of it. Then there are those who LOVE to inflict pain. And this chick was one of those. I just got a taste of just how easy it is to set off the MAGA crowd, which is way, some say, the GOPs are being so loyal to Trump. They're scared shitless. Romney spend $5K a day on protection services. Not everyone has that kind of money. So, we are living in interesting times, Joe. The Fourth Reich is upon us.
I don't know. I just may have had to say something to the one who blamed Obama. But you have to live there, and I don't, ha ha ha! You and I were on the same topic this week, Sue. My mom was always telling me to mind my own business, to stop talking.
Dammit,, she's right! And it's been my experience that people are more than willing to correct me right back, with vigor. Peace is precious, so in the service of world peace ..........
Good for you. I should do that too. And if someone calls me crazy for talking to myself, I can say "if you don't like me, leave me alone." Thank you, Mary.
Bob Noyce and I have sayings about a lot of people, probably including that clerk. Bob days, People are no damn good. I say, People are stupid. Between us, we’ve covered maybe 35 percent of folks.
I devide people into two groups: stupid or malicious. We're all stupid in one way or another. Some of us, like me, make a career of it. Then there are those who LOVE to inflict pain. And this chick was one of those. I just got a taste of just how easy it is to set off the MAGA crowd, which is way, some say, the GOPs are being so loyal to Trump. They're scared shitless. Romney spend $5K a day on protection services. Not everyone has that kind of money. So, we are living in interesting times, Joe. The Fourth Reich is upon us.
I don't know. I just may have had to say something to the one who blamed Obama. But you have to live there, and I don't, ha ha ha! You and I were on the same topic this week, Sue. My mom was always telling me to mind my own business, to stop talking.
Dammit,, she's right! And it's been my experience that people are more than willing to correct me right back, with vigor. Peace is precious, so in the service of world peace ..........
I blame my ADHD for my own "verbal impulsivity." Feels better to tell myself "can't help it. I'm made this way." 🤪
Good for you. I should do that too. And if someone calls me crazy for talking to myself, I can say "if you don't like me, leave me alone." Thank you, Mary.