I like your writing but am sometimes confounded by humor like this: β€œ From what I gather from various sources, even a simple smile or making eye contact while in passing is tantamount to rape.”

Do you really think women are claiming rape because men smile at them or just think it’s funny if they do?

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I know this is just Buzzfeed, but it blows my mind when I read comments from women about men like this. Yes, it was scary when I was a little girl and a young women. It was a guilt-building situation too. This column, however, makes it sound like there's nothing between men and women but sex. What do you think about this column and the comments these women have written?


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This article actually turned serious. I don't laugh or find humor in rape. I concerns me,, however, what I've hears women talk or write about on the Internet about the problems they have with men, how both genders misinterpret visual/social cues. The story I told about the man asking for the time was true and quite upsetting. Did she know him? Maybe, but it didn't appear so. She just went ballistic. I read a list on one Internet post that mentioned several situations where men seem to think that just because a woman is present, he has license to rape her. It was extreme, to say the least, and I found it shocking. How much of all this I can only guess. I'm 74 and don't get out into the dating world much. So, I'm probably doing some misinterpretting of my own here. The article though started humorous, but turned toward more serious and I couldn't stop writing it. Perhaps subconsciously it was a comparison of the innocent days of my junior high school experience with what I hear going on now. Thank you for your comments. I hope you'll continue to read Ring Around the Basin. I DO write about other topics.

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