You're probably going blind with all the photos of brilliant autumn colors. Here's another opportunity to add to the glare with a bit a silliness added to the mix.
Wow, Sue! I loved every minute of this video. Landscapes and towns I have never seen. ( That upside down house!) Great music, too. Who was that pianist? Perfect accompaniment for the setting, very professional. I have sent it on to two friends. Thank you.
Thank you, Sharron. I wish I could remember the name of the musician. I love the music too. I think it was Red something. I made this video a long time ago when the music and video formatting was more open with more options.
Thank you, David. That music was available years ago before the Apple Mac introduced new features and thought we creatives would be happier with a half dozen options of slide shows with accompanying music. sigh. Once again, the nerds in IT thinks more features and limiting options is a good thing.
Wow, Sue! I loved every minute of this video. Landscapes and towns I have never seen. ( That upside down house!) Great music, too. Who was that pianist? Perfect accompaniment for the setting, very professional. I have sent it on to two friends. Thank you.
Thank you, Sharron. I wish I could remember the name of the musician. I love the music too. I think it was Red something. I made this video a long time ago when the music and video formatting was more open with more options.
Nice. Brought back memories of the times I've driven and camped up and down 395. I so miss traveling when health was good.
I too have gotten to the point where watching YouTube travelers is easier than doing the real trip myself.
Awesome!! The video is so well done! Pure beauty. Congratulations!
Thank you, David. That music was available years ago before the Apple Mac introduced new features and thought we creatives would be happier with a half dozen options of slide shows with accompanying music. sigh. Once again, the nerds in IT thinks more features and limiting options is a good thing.
What a nice thing to wake up to.
Thought you'd like it. True, it's home and never tires no matter what the season.