Star Glow
Every night when I turn out the lights
All becomes shadow except for that dim
Luminescence at the end of the hall
Guiding me to the place of my rest.
On either side are doorways that startle.
Their eerie deviations give me pause.
Unsure of my steps, I reach out
To touch the corner that has jarred
My shoulder many times.
The cat lingers just ahead of me
His black fur blends with the dark.
Slowly, I shuffle through the passage,
Feeling my way toward the light.
I know my day's end will lead to comfort
To warmth and fantasies of delight or passion.
But then I keep having this one dream.
Will the end of my days lead
To loved ones greeting me?
I hope it is my father and my uncle
Who brought me joy and laughter.
Will they forget the foolishness of my youth?
Instead it is my mother who waits
While I pass through the veil.
Mists filter through and around us
Yet I feel her trepidation.
She never believed I loved her during life.
Will she believe me now?
She waits for me to let her know.
My own fear thrums in my soul.
I loved her then but she pushed me away.
I love her still but there is no capacity
To show my tears upon seeing her again.
As her image fades from view, I reach out
Enfolding her into my light. Hesitant,
She finally presses into me
And we merge into star glow and fire.
I love how this poem began with a description of the physical reality of home and then effortlessly slipped into the metaphysical, the otherworld. Beautiful, Sue. Star glow and fire, indeed!
She knows you love her.