Pony Riders
The Pony Express Re-Ride galloped out of Sacramento yesterday, June 7, 2023, bound for St. Joseph, MO. Maybe you'll spot one of these intrepid riders along the route.
They trot through a city or climb mountain tracks
Some horses may dance with the weight
As sun bares down hard and sears their backs
It's difficult to hold the right gait.
Then night settles in with drizzles that sting
Across plains of sand or a sagebrush sea
The moon shows the way or the headlights fling
Fearsome shadows that bounce eerily.
In the dark ponies follow the treacherous trail
But the rider must know where to go
Time is of essence and deadlines prevail
But some years trails lie under snow.
A scramble up roads lined with cows in the brush
Make for wrecks in some backcountry trace
Stallions come for the mares in a worrisome rush
That add to the pain of this tiring pace.
Each horse feels the press of the letters it wears
The mochila cuts legs and hinders the touch
With miles to go as they ride every year
Those yester-year carriers were tough.
Most of the time the riders are ghosts
Few spectators see them ride by
But they honor the men who once held this post
No hardship too thorny to try.