Painting the Patio Fence
When you live in the exurbs, anything can happen and the line is blurred between wild and domestic.
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Painting the Patio Fence Â
Brush strokes up and down Daubing at drips and streaks Not a sound but the hush As evening settles in trees And the swish of bristles Coating the boards thirdwaydone halfwaydone almostdone onebyone Manzanita breaks and snaps Ten does crash helter-skelter From the woods Leaping here and there Over the road across the way To disappear down the hill. Hush I wonder what was chasing them? Soon my neighbor's Malamute And a Rottweiler pup Amble from the bush Nosing the trail Mooching for cookies As I push them away From my newly-painted fence.
thirdwaydone .... halfwaydone .... almostdone ....onebyone
A sweet little song in the middle of your poem. Yes! This is exactly how we paint a fence. And the image of your fierce, but half-hearted canine hunters deciding it was easier to mooch cookies than chase deer is priceless, Sue. Your work inspires.
Lovely poem Sue. BTW I am loving your book and how it puts one in touch with the nature around them.