Intrigue on the Trail
Sometimes a little mystery like this can send a poet on a mind trip that denies the story in the police report.
It leaned against an elm
Bark folding round the barrel
The stock rotted through
But the lever action was free.
Sheriff shook his head
Haven't seen one of those since
maybe 19-ought-somethin'
Why would a man leave his gun?
Ambush, bear, heart attack
All that time there'd be no trace.
Was he hunting, on the lam,
Just out for a good time?
Tracks, clues, remains, all
Buried under forest duff
No rusty cans or camp ring
No record of a missing local.
Sheriff and hiker scratched their heads
Asked the oldest man in town
Have you seen this weapon before?
The ancient one nodded once
Then his eyes moistened
A memory not to be shared
Too long ago, all are dead now
Only he knows but he ain't tellin'.
I think a person needs to get some years on them before they can relate the depth of time.