Embracing the Crone
Elderly women have always held powers that younger people don't value; and some women have been robbed of this self-knowledge.
Crones …
sip coffee in pristine bakeries complain of lost fecundity or the virility of their men. Their vitality wrestles with images that deny a woman’s power to entice young men. They endure the scorn of young women. Age burns hotter than embers glowing in brass braziers warming frostbitten feet that come in from the cold. They greet the sun and celebrate every day they awaken above grass while the shadow of irrelevance lurks nearby. Emboldened, they live each moment in ecstasy. Constantly searching for the next adventure. Thumbing their noses at Death And cackling in the Devil's face.
There are alternatives to anything!
As the Ritz cracker softens to mush upon my tongue, I think of today's epiphany: adventures with pabulum.
Eyes stained with tears, she placed her knitting bag on the table where we all meet on Thursday afternoons. Horrible news from her doctor: A total change of diet would destroy her joy forever. Maybe her marriage too.
No meat unless its pureed; the thought made her wretch. No fresh vegetables at all unless they're cooked beyond all recognition. They make a good shake if you've got protein powder.
No sugar, no fat, no nuts no corn, no carbs, and that includes bread unless …. Her eyes lit up as she thought of peanut butter on sourdough. Hey, you could soak the crusts in that cacao drink you like so much. Feta is low on fat, maybe with a flake of tuna across a cracker … unless it's wheat. How about guacamole?
The list grows longer as we all mentally browse the pantry shelves. Her eyes brighten, no longer stained and the laughter becomes cackles.
Wild women dancing naked in the woods.
You've just entered a new world of taste and texture despite its sodden form. Adventure awaits, dare to explore the culinary wonders of pate. She laughs at that: oh you’re so funny.
But husband will starve to death, she cries, eyes crinkling at the corners.
He's a big boy now and it's time! Show him where he can find the kitchen.
photo credit unknown